Types of Bongs and What’s Best for You

Types of Bongs and What’s Best for You

Different types of bongs all lined up in a row.

Types of Bongs and What’s Best for You

Bongs have been around for centuries, with archaeological findings unearthing bongs dating back more than 2000 years! With such a rich history and extensive selection, choosing the right bong can be a daunting process.

In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about bongs, from how they work to the different types, and by the end, I have no doubt you will be a bong connoisseur!

What is a Bong?

A bong (aka water piper) is a filtration device that is primarily used to smoke cannabis. It can also be used to smoke tobacco and other dried herbal substances too, but with all these amazing herb available at Taki Taki, this blog is all about weed! The water of the bong helps to cool and filter, helping to remove carcinogens and particles from your weed. Some of the first bongs were said to be made of bamboo and even gold! Nowadays, bongs are usually made out of glass, ceramic, metal or plastic.

Bong Anatomy

There are many working pieces to a bong, and as many bongs are created with customization in mind, it helps to know some of the staple pieces you will find on the ‘most standard bongs’.

Mouthpiece – The clue is in the name; this is where you inhale from and is usually placed at the top of the bong.

Tube – These are the long tubes on bongs which transport the smoke from the base to the mouthpiece. 

Percolator -Sometimes already attached and sometimes an added accessory, percolators help to cool and filter smoke. They work by filtering the smoke through a number of chambers.

Bowl- This is the part where you pack your herbs! Usually made of glass, the bowl comes in various sizes, with 14mm and 18 mm being popular choices.

Joint– The joint is the piece of the bong that holds the downstream in place. Joints can be male or female, and it’s important to know this distinction when shopping for attachments.

Downstem – This is the part of the pipe that connects the main chamber and bowl together. The downstem provides suction by pulling the smoke through the water and into your lungs.

Base- A solid base is a foundational piece in any quality bong. The base of the bong is where the water is stored, and any decent bong will have a thick, sturdy base.

Bong Materials

One of the first things you need to consider when choosing a bong is the material it is made out of. The most common materials are glass, metal, plastic and ceramic. The material can affect many factors of your smoking experience, so it’s important to know the differences, so you cater your bong experience to your personal preferences.

Glass Bongs 

Glass bongs are probably the most popular type because they provide a smooth hit and are easy to clean. They are made out of heat-resistant glass and can come in a variety of colours and designs. 

Heat-resistant glass is one of the best materials for a smooth smoking experience; as the glass heats, it remains intact and doesn’t emit toxic fumes or combust! A downside to using glass is its fragility; glass bongs can easily break if not handled with care.

Metal Bongs

Metal bongs are also popular amongst bong smokers mainly because they are durable and can be easily transported. In the cannabis community, Metal Bongs are often referred to as ‘the immortals’ because of their durability. 

This is great for mobile weed smokers and those who like to bong on the go. Like their glass counterparts, metal bongs are highly customizable and can accommodate additional pieces. One thing to be wary of with metal bongs is the quality of the metal; users have mentioned a metallic taste when using low-quality metal bongs.

Plastic Bongs

Plastic bongs are a good option for those on a budget, as they are often more cost-effective. Along with this, plastic bongs are also very durable and are less likely to break if dropped. Not all plastics are suitable for bongs though, as the heat can melt the plastic and release harmful chemicals. A lot of bongs that are listed as ‘plastic’ tend to be made from acrylic and silicone. Some find that plastic bongs don’t provide as smooth of a smoking experience compared to glass bongs. 

Ceramic Bongs

Ceramic Bongs are considered retro in the bong world, with early bongs being constructed with this material. Ceramic bongs are good because they can handle heat well and are very durable. They also double down as great decorative pieces. There is nothing inherently wrong with using a ceramic bong they just seemed to get phased out by mass production and customizable capabilities of plastic, glass and metal. High-quality ceramic bongs mirror the glass bong experience as long as they are glazed and treated correctly.

Bong Shapes and Features

In addition to different materials and sizes, bongs also come in a variety of shapes and with different features.  

Straight-Tube Bong

The most common bong, and one that is universally recognized is the straight-tube bong, which is simply a long tube with a bowl at the end. This simple design makes it ergonomically friendly and very easy to use. Straight tube bongs tend to be quite taller in size and are typically thicker, adding durability to your device. This tall design does mean that straight tube bongs aren’t as portable as smaller devices, and they can often prove difficult to clean.

Straight tube bong with a guy lighting the bowl.

Beaker-Shaped Bong 

Another popular shape is the beaker-shaped bong. Visually it resembles a beaker that you would see in your science class. With its wide base providing extra water filtration, beaker shape bongs offer cooler, larger hits! The wide bottom adds an extra layer of stability, making this sturdy style of bong an excellent option for anyone in the bong space.

Yellow beaker-shaped bong left on the floor.


Some bongs also come with percolators, which are small holes or slits that diffuse the smoke through the water for an even smoother hit. Percolators can be made out of different materials, such as glass or metal, and they come in a variety of shapes, such as disks, honeycombs, or spirals. Smoking through a percolator bong offers a smooth, gentle smoke, but what is a pro to some is a con for others. Because of the extra filtration, the bong hit is less potent, but there is no debate that the holes help cool down the smoke and make it a lot easier on the lungs.

blue ring percolators in a glass bong.

Carb Hole Bong

Carb Hole bongs (aka shot hole or turbo bongs and carburettors) are smaller handheld-sized bongs. Placed on the back of the bong, the carb hole is covered whilst pulling on the pipe. Smoke then collects in the chamber, and once full, the hole is uncovered, and the smoke from the chamber is inhaled. 

Multi-Chamber Bong

It’s exactly what it says on the box! The multi-chamber bong contains multiple water-filled chambers that allow smokers to enjoy bigger and smoother hits. Some MCB users even filled the chambers with a mixture of hot and cold water!

Young woman with black hair holding a multi-chamber bong with both hands and looking up into the sky.

The Bucket Gravity Bong

A staple piece in any D.I.Y smokers collection, the bucket gravity bong is a bong that utilizes gravity, water displacement and air pressure to extract high amounts of smoke.

Gravity bongs that are made with higher quality materials (glass, acrylic) provide a cleaner smoke, so if you are looking for a diverse way to consume cannabis, this is one to try with the homies.


As the name suggests, A bubbler is a mini version of its older brother, the bong. Bubblers use bubbles to filter the smoke. Size-wise, bubblers sit in between regular-sized bongs and hand pipes and are great for beginner smokers or anyone looking to have an incognito bong hit on the go.

A clear plastic bubbler bong sitting on a wooden table.

Make sure you clean your bong!

Just like cleaning your air con filter, your bong requires regular cleaning. Letting bacteria and mould build up inside your devices not only tastes horrible but can actually have some harmful health effects.

A lot of people believe that simply changing the water will render the bong clean; however, if your chambers are still dirty, the clean water is essentially cancelled out. Just like pulling a fresh paper to roll a joint, there’s no better feeling than smoking from a clean bong. Not only will it help protect your lungs from unwanted matter, but it will drastically improve the taste and overall experience of your bong toke.

According to Rolling stone –The classic rubbing alcohol and salt mixture is still the best way to keep your piece looking brand-spankin’ new.

To use this cleaning method, take apart your bong (removable pieces ) and pour alcohol (isopropyl) and coarse salt ( Epsom or Rock ) into your bong and shake. Do this for about 5 minutes or whenever you feel like the solution has reached every crevice of your device. After this, rinse it off with soap and water and marvel at your beautiful clean bong ready for action.

So now that you know all about the different types of bongs available and how they work, it’s time to find the best bong brands that suit your needs. Whether you’re looking for something small and portable or wanna take those gargantuan hits, there’s a bong out there for you! Enjoy responsibly.

Bong Questions

Which bong style provides the smoothest hit?

The style is optional, but the material is what that provides the ‘smoothest’ overall smoking experience is usually glass. For extra smoothness multi-chamber and percolator bongs provide extra filtration for that added smoothness.

What is the best bong shape?

For easy transportation and quick easy use, the carb hole bong or bubble are great options. On the other hand, if you’re trying to get as big a hit as possible then a multi-chamber bong or beak-shaped bong is a solid pick.

Why do bongs have 3 holes?

The function of carb holes is to help clear smoke from your chamber, so bongs with multiple holes provide better airflow and help give you that cool smooth bong rip.

Why is thicker glass better for bongs?

Thicker glass provides more durability to your bong and gives it a sturdy feeling, to say it’s ‘better’ is down to personal preference but the thick glass definitely makes glass bongs feel like a premium product.

Does the height of the bong matter?

Of course, the size of the bong will determine what kind of hit you receive. If you like the massive hits that floor you for hours, bigger-shaped bongs are best suited. If you’re looking to have a sesh with the boys and want to try different strains and appreciate the flavours we recommend smaller bongs.

Taki Taki

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