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Buy Weed Gummies & Candy (THC) Online

Gummies & Candies are a very popular way to consume THC infused edibles. They provide you with the advantages and effects of THC without the negatives of smoking.

THC gummies & candies give you a tasty and long-lasting high that comes in a wide range of flavors and dosage options.

For other edible options, check out our infused chocolates, beverages, and capsules, too!

Most Popular Gummies / Candy (THC):

Medicated Hard Candies (120mg THC in 4 candies)

MOTA THC Jellies


Benefits of THC Gummies:

Cannabis candies & gummies don’t need to be prepared and eliminates any uncertainty in dosage. They are pre-dosed and come in a variety of potencies to satisfy a wide range of users.

Whether you are a first time user or an experienced one, we have the perfect edibles for you.

Cannabis gummies and candies are consumed in the same way as other edibles. Their effects take longer to start working but last for a longer period of time compared to smoking or vaping.

Edibles are perfect if you are sensitive to smoke or dislike the harshness of inhaling marijuana.

Furthermore, these sweets resemble ordinary gummies in appearance which makes it discreet and accessible. Compared to other forms of cannabis products they can be consumed anytime and anywhere!

Make sure to keep them away from children!

How to Use Weed Candy:

We suggest consuming gummies & candies slowly, especially if you are new to the category.

The effects of edibles like THC candies and sweets typically take 45 to 90 minutes to manifest. Therefore, it is crucial to wait and assess the situation before taking additional dosages. It is typical for a beginner to not feel anything after consuming an edible and end up overdosing on it.

Small microdoses of THC is enough to suit the demands of cannabis novices. This typically falls between 1 mg and 5 mg of THC. If you can’t find your preferred dosage, you can always cut up stronger edibles into smaller quantities. For example, if are looking for 5 mg of THC than you can cut a 10 mg edible in half to experience the same effect.