What is Living Soil? Growing LSO Cannabis

What is Living Soil? Growing LSO Cannabis

Older man sitting down and enjoying a LSO cannabis joint in the nature.

What is Living Soil? Growing LSO Cannabis

Cannabis has been growing in the wild for thousands of years, but over the last few decades, the indoor cannabis cultivation industry has been rapidly ascending, with industrial methods such as hydroponics and aquaponics, being the go-to methods for commercial production.

What if I told you there was a cleaner, more sustainable way to grow cannabis? One that doesn’t rely on chemical pesticides and fertilizers? Living Soil Organics (LSO) is just that! LSO is a ‘greener’ growing approach that some claim can increase both the quality and quantity of your cannabis yield. With more and more growers opting for sustainable and eco-friendly growing methods, LSO could be the way forward.

What is Living Soil?

Living Soil (LSO) is soil made up of organic matter, minerals, and beneficial microbes that work together to create a healthy soil environment. Throughout the evolution of plants over thousands of years, Mother Nature has constructed a cohesive relationship between plants and a variety of soil microorganisms including fungi, bacteria, protozoa, and many others which live in the soil. This ecosystem in the soil and its relationship with plants is what we call ‘living soil’.

When used in cannabis cultivation, LSO can contribute to improved yields, decreased pest and disease pressure, and enhanced terpene and cannabinoid production. In addition, this vibrant soil helps promote better soil structure leading to improved water drainage and retention throughout the cannabis root systems.

Isn’t all soil living?

All soil is constructed of the same base components and is essentially ‘living’. From minerals to organic matter and nutrients, aesthetically, soil can often be hard to differentiate. One of the main distinctive characteristics of living soil is the biodiversity of living organisms and microorganisms found within. 

From worms to bacteria – even glacial rock dust- every single component plays an important role in the soil food web! Like any good team, each component of the soil has its unique role to play. No matter this size, every role is essential to maintain this symbiotic relationship.

Did you know? There are more living organisms in a teaspoon of healthy soil than there are living people on Earth.

The essentials of healthy living soil

Whether shop-brought or constructed in your garden it’s important to know what’s going on in your soil. Here are some main indicators to keep an eye on when using LSO for your cannabis cultivation!

1- Base Mix  

The genesis of any decent Living Soil is the quality of the base mix. The consensus for a base mix seems to be one part sphagnum peat moss, one part perlite or pumice (for aeration), and one part compost. 

2 – Macro -Nutrients – N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S 

No that isn’t a typo, those are the 6 essential macronutrients that soil needs. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium and Sulphur are all components of healthy, abundant soil. Cannabis requires different nutrients at the various stages of its lifecycle so it’s important to make sure your plant is getting the right amounts at the differing stages.

3 – Micro Nutrients and Trace Minerals – B, Cl, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Zn

Can’t forget about the little guys, the micronutrients also play a starring role in plant growth and are essential players helping to maintain the symbioses of living soil. Boron, Chloride, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel and Zinc are tasked with the job of metabolism and maintenance of tissue function.

4 Biodiversity!

This is what will keep your soil alive and kicking, and is monumental in creating a nutrient-rich environment. Adding compost is great for biodiversity, whether you make your own or opt to purchase pre-made compost or worm hatchings, the quality of your soil will improve.

Why More Growers are choosing LSO

With the rise of organic cannabis and more growers looking to steer away from artificial cultivation methods, we’re seeing an emergence of high-quality craft weed. It’s also a good starting point for beginners with fewer barriers to entry that can help you avoid some errors when growing for the first time!

Another plus is growers who use LSO soil can enjoy the benefits of reduced labour and water usage while still selling their crops for higher prices. This way they can stay competitive with an ever-expanding market while still maintaining high yield and quality!

Learning to cultivate your own LSO cannabis will not only provide you with natural fresh top-tier buds, but it will also help your pockets in the long run. We live in a time where mass production is king, but we are starting to see a shift and more of a demand for organically grown herbs. Just like a home-cooked meal with fresh ingredients, it takes a little longer to prepare but the final product is worth the wait. Stay Fresh!


Can I reuse my living soil?

Of Course, this is one of the many advantages of using LSO soil. Not only can re-using your soil save you money, but it can also actually improve your overall soil quality! By maintaining healthy soil throughout the growth cycle (by regular composting and mulching of your soil ) you can prevent the need for a restoration job at the end!

Does living soil have bugs?

Yes, it does! A good living soil will play host to many live creatures. Bugs are a very important component of living soil. 

There are however essentially ‘good bugs’ and ‘bad bugs’, but in a lot of cases the natural balance of the cycle will prevail and your soil should play host to more ‘good’ the ‘bad’ bugs. If you are concerned that your soil hosts more pests than proprietors speaking to a bug/soil expert is a good shout!

How long will living soil last?

This is down to the care that it provided for the soil. One of the main reasons for using living soils is to incrementally build up the quality of your soil over time to help improve the quality of your yield. Proper maintenance will improve the lifespan of your living soil, and allow you to re-use for years to come.

Can I use Flower fuel in living soil?

Flower Fuel is labelled as a super-premium, bloom booster used to increase nutrient levels in your plant’.

The levels of both P and K are quite high, and there is no indication that this product is 100% organic. It’s good to look for some type of seal to confirm that the product is certified organic.

If you are looking to essentially ‘beef up’ your plants increasing sunlight could be a possible fix.

LSO growing is based on the organic method of growing your plant so adding any non-organic products to your soil will render it inorganic and may require you to flush your weed.

What are the possible risks of using GMOs?

Genetically modified agricultural cultivations are found around the globe, whether they are used for food or fun and it has become a fiercely debated topic in recent years. It is thought that up to 70% of North American food products contain at least one genetically modified ingredient!

When it comes to selective breeding within the cannabis world, growers have been using selective breeding to help achieve that perfect strain for decades. But just like genetically modified food, GMO weed has raised concerns amongst the cannabis community.

Some of the concerns with using GMOs include Contamination of natural plants, the emergence of pesticide-resistant plants around the world, and playing God can upset the ecosystem. Another worry is vague regulations. With not enough data and short testing times there just isn’t enough data for any concrete answers.

From a commercial standpoint, monopolization is also a big concern and it’s thought that companies that can develop and patent GMO Strains are likely to have an extreme competitive advantage over rivals. With much more research needed and cultivators pushing the letter when it comes to the modification of strains, I think it’s safe to say the jury is still out.

Looking to try some LSO strains? Take a look at our LSO Legend OG (Albatross). 

Taki Taki

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