Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth: Exploring the Delights of Cannabis Chocolate

Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth: Exploring the Delights of Cannabis Chocolate

Cannabis Chocolate placed next to hemp leaf, cannabis oil and mint leaf

The Allure of Chocolate and Cannabis 

Chocolate is craved for its rich flavours and luscious mouthfeel. As cannabis legalization expands, pairing the delicious taste of chocolate with the relaxing buzz of hemp leaf and weed makes the perfect treat. Some key benefits of cannabis chocolate include:

  • Chocolate’s strong flavours and fats complement and mask cannabis’ herbal taste, making edibles more palatable. The cocoa aroma also counteracts weed odour.
  • The prolonged effects and delayed onset of edibles pair well with chocolate’s slow melt-in-your-mouth characteristics.
  • Studied together, chocolate and cannabis provide an amplified impact on mood through their influence on the brain’s endocannabinoid system. Chocolate boosts anandamide levels similar to THC.
  • Cocoa contains compounds called N-acyl ethanolamines that bind cannabinoid receptors and may heighten the psychoactive effects of THC-infused chocolate.
  • Chocolate’s mouth-coating texture effectively masks the grittiness of powdered cannabinoids like CBD, providing superior palatability.

Both recreational and medical cannabis consumers can benefit from the synergy of chocolate and weed. Dispensaries now offer a wide selection of high-quality THC and CBD chocolate edibles. However, making homemade cannabis chocolate can be rewarding and economical.

How To Make Cannabis Chocolate

Creating infused chocolate at home involves just a few key steps:

Start with quality chocolate: Pick a chocolate with at least 70% cocoa for the best flavour and texture. The conching process improves smoothness. Couverture chocolate contains extra cocoa butter for better thinning and emulsifying with cannabis oils.

Prepare the cannabis: Decarboxylation activates THC and CBD. Bake ground cannabis at 240°F for 40 minutes before combining it with oils or butter. Using concentrates like shatter skips this conversion step.  

Infuse oils or butter:Simmer cannabis with coconut oil, cocoa butter, or shea butter on very low heat for 2-3 hours for full extraction. Strain out plant material with cheesecloth after infusion.

Temper chocolate: Slowly heat 2/3rds of chocolate to 115°F then cool slowly to 80°F to form stable cocoa crystals that give chocolate its characteristic glossy texture.

Add cannabis oils: Whisk the butter or oil into the tempered chocolate. The ideal ratio is 1 cup of oil to 12 ounces of chocolate. Mix thoroughly, but avoid excessive stirring to retain temper.

Mold or pour:  For DIY edibles, pour the chocolate into moulds and refrigerate until hardened. Fudge and cake frostings can also be made using it.

Proper dosing, labelling, and storing infused chocolate in a cool area maximize freshness and potency duration.

Experiencing the Range of Cannabis Chocolate

Dispensaries feature entire chocolate lines with THC doses ranging from 10-100mg. The range of flavours is from sweet to savoury:

Fudge: Dense, fudgy ganja-laced treats that provide intense cocoa flavour and psychedelic joy in bite-sized portions. Fun flavours like maple bacon or rocky road fudge are available.

Dark chocolate: For the chocolate purist, single-origin bars allow savouring exquisite cacao nuances fused with full-body cannabis effects. Pair it with red wine for ultimate indulgence.

Milk/white chocolate: Smooth, creamy chocolates offer a lighter flavour for those who find dark chocolate too bitter. It works well for CBD-infused chocolate thanks to its sweetness.

Chocolate truffles: Elegant, hand-rolled confections with ganja kick provide a sensuous mouthfeel and scenic “ball of weed” appearance when sliced open.

Chocolate-dipped fruit: Strawberries, bananas, and other fruits take on new heights of flavour when dipped into creamy THC-laced chocolate. It provides a nice fruit sugar rush complement to the mellow cannabis high.

Proper Chocolate and Cannabis Pairing 

When combining weed with fine chocolates, some pairing principles help optimize enjoyment:

Match intensity levels: Milder chocolates suit mellow indica strains, while more assertive chocolates work well with bright, focused sativas.

Complement natural flavours: Earthy, nutty cannabis flavours pair nicely with deeper notes of roasted cocoa beans. Sweet, fruity strains complement chocolate’s inherent vanilla notes.

Mind dose timing: More rapidly absorbing chocolate varieties like truffles may be preferable with slower activating edibles to coordinate the timing of effects.

Choose an appropriate format: The prolonged effects from edibles suit slower dissolving chocolate blocks, allowing the experience to unfold gradually.

Following dosage guidelines and avoiding overconsumption is key to an enjoyable chocolate and cannabis experience.


Chocolate and weed form a harmonious pairing where the sum exceeds the parts. The versatility of cannabis-infused chocolate appeals to both recreational and medical users. As legal barriers fall and culinary practices progress, expect more gourmet exploration at the intersection of cacao and cannabis. 


Q: Do you get a different high eating cannabis chocolate versus smoking?

A: Yes, consumed THC undergoes conversion to a more potent form, leading to a stronger, longer-lasting body high compared to inhaled effects, which act faster but fade sooner.

Q: What are the medical benefits of CBD-infused chocolate?

A: CBD chocolate provides measurable relief from pain, anxiety, inflammation, and seizures with little to no psychoactive effects. The sweet chocolate taste also makes CBD consumption more palatable.

Q: How is THC or CBD infused into chocolate edibles?

A: Mix cannabinoid extracts with cocoa butter before combining them with other ingredients.

Q: Does homemade chocolate cannabis oil go bad?

A: Yes, over time, THC and other cannabinoids will degrade, especially with improper storage. For maximum freshness and potency, store chocolate edibles in a cool, dark place and consume them within 4-6 months.

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